“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”

- Carl Jung, some dead dude

Hi there! I’m Anas, and I try do things that make me and those me around happy.
Things that make me happy include good code, a nice lunch, a long nap, and most of all: good people. My end goal in life is World Domina to live in a bookshop, maybe in Paris, not worry about trivial things such as money and focus on what really matters in the end.

This site exists because I believe in the indie web and because I wanted a place on the Internet that I could call truly “my own”.

I am passionate about creating software, but have a tendency to break stuff often as I tend to tinker too much. Nevertheless, I have learnt a lot in the past few years.

facts about me

  • I believe all software should be free & open source
  • I am a huge linguistics & language learning nerd, and have a 2200+ day streak on Duolingo
  • I am an organisation freak and like to keep everything tidied.
  • I prefer \t to \s
  • I prefer 😺 to 🐶